by Newfoundland and Labrador's award-winning author, Geoff Goodyear

Photographer, photo educator
Writer, Helicopter Pilot
Geoff fell in love with photography sometime between the age of 12 and 13 years. At every turn he could be found with his Dad’s camera in hand until slowly the lines of ownership became blurred. First as an amateur learning the art and mastering the techniques, then later as a professional photographer, Geoff combined his love for the land, wildlife, people and culture with his skills behind the lens.
Photography Workshops
In addition to speaking at conferences and other public gatherings, Geoff is a Photo Educator delivering Photography Workshops as part of the services provided by Geoff Goodyear Photography.
Geoff’s photo galleries take you to places far and wide and then back to his home in Labrador. It is here that he has captured some of his most amazing work. As a helicopter pilot serving in “The Big Land” it gave way to photo opportunities in wilderness areas seldom seen by the human eye. He was a featured artist at the 2014 Northern Lights Conference in Ottawa. Then, in 2016 Geoff was profiled on CBC’s Land & Sea in a two part episode entitled “The Flying Photographer”.
In recent years, Geoff focused primarily on the Nunatsiavut area and worked closely with the Nunatsiavut Government to feature the land and Inuit people. In collaboration with them, he published a book of photographs entitled “Nunatsiavut: Discover The Majesty Of Labrador’s Inuit Lands”. Now retired from the helicopter industry, Geoff pursues his photography interests from his home in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.
Geoff and his photography have been featured in a number of books, magazines and websites for agencies such as Nature Conservancy of Canada, Parks Canada and the Northwords Project, the Toronto Star, Salt Scapes.
Limited edition prints of some of Geoff’s work have also been used to assist with fundraisers for organizations such as The Canadian Cancer Society, Rotary International, Ducks Unlimited, Labrador North Chamber Of Commerce Community Investment Fund, 5 Wing Goose Bay Military Family Resource Centre, Happy Valley-Goose Bay SPCA, RCMP Community Gala and the Shallowly Youth Choir in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Gallery Exibits
Saidye Bronfman Center, 1974
Newfoundland Confederation Celebration Photo Exhibit, 1974
Memorial University Art Gallery, 1974-75
The Bartlett Gallery, 2009
Northern Lights Conference, 2014
Goose Bay Airport Corporation (standing exhibit) 2014-present
Labrador Interpretation Centre in Association with The Rooms, 2017
Photography Awards
Canadian Community Newspapers Association, 1976
Atlantic Community Newspapers Association, 1975
Canadian Armed Forces Photo Exhibition, 1983
National Competition for Photographs of the Canadian Environment, 1983